Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Recent trip to Siwa Oasis, Sahara Desert and El-Alamein - story published on Crystalinks (27 November 2006)
(including story and photos)

Raquel from Italy, visits Egypt

Hi Ellie,

I've recently come back from another trip to Egypt and wanted to share with you some wonderful things that happened to us there. It all seems very connected to your own work and to Crystalinks: connecting to the Program, activating ley lines, grids of creation and also time travel ...
Early this month, a group of 8 women, and I, went to the beautiful Siwa Oasis in the Sahara desert, mainly to visit the famous Temple and Oracle of Amun, then spend a few days by the sea near Al Alamein, on the northern coast, not too far from Alexandria. We did some great energy work connecting to the strong transformational energies of Egypt.
We'd planned to go to the Oracle of Amun to ask for guidance about our personal lives and the world in general, following on the footprints of Alexander the Great. While we were inside the Temple and Oracle of Amun, we did a group ritual that involved connecting to the energies there, using inner guidance and following the messages found in the hieroglyphs on the walls. Then I was 'given' some strange symbols that I felt I had to draw in the air using my quartz crystal wand, while standing inside the temple, but looking out towards the sun, as if to activate something there (a scene I had already seen in a dream, on the night before the trip). Our guide, an Italian Egyptologist called Alessandra, told me later that she thought those were symbols used before Egyptian times, Zep Tepi or maybe as far back as Lemuria or Atlantis.
We felt, and had many signs, confirming that ancient knowledge had been kept and hidden in Siwa for thousands of years, an oasis so remote, it seemed the ideal place for it. We sensed a strong connection to an ancient civilisation, prior to Egypt. That night I had another dream about it and saw a beautiful temple on a mountain in the desert, behind our hotel. We all felt that we had activated strong energies of the land around Siwa, and in the desert of Sahara, perhaps linked to ley lines or planetary grids - as if a dormant energetic grid in that area, had been restarted or reactivated. The energies were very high and we felt really connected. Later Alessandra felt that the work we had done and are still doing at a distance is also connected to the god Ptah and his staff, the rod of creation and healing, which she believes was also a tool for teletportation and time travel.
Destiny brought Alessandra back to Siwa, two weeks later where she was able to carry on the work we had started. I keep in contact with her by email and in spirit. Home, here in Italy, I was quickly able to time travel back to the Temple, where I witnessed Alexander the Great inside and sensed the changes in the energetic grid under the Temple and around Siwa.

Thank you again.

Love & Light,

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